United Women in Faith at Saranac UMC
The United Women in Faith has been in mission for over 150 years and has had at least 25 names, the last being United Methodist Women (UMW). Our calling is to create a place for all women who want to come together in mission and ministry on behalf of women, children and youth. There is a new mission statement for our organization:
"United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities."
Our local UWF has fundraisers throughout the year to support our ministries. The most well known is our Spring and Fall Rummage Sales.
With our earnings the UWF donated money to the following organizations this past year:
Saranac School Backpack Program in Morrisonville
Christmas Bureau
Mission of Hope
Habitat for Humanity
Salvation Army
Smile Train
We also sponsor a girl from Mozambique, gave cookies to 26 recipients in December, paid the church’s insurance, and provide funds for the renovation of the parsonage.
UWF meets on the second Sunday of the month at 12:15 p.m., right after church. We each bring our own sandwich and dessert and beverages are provided. Meeting together is a great moment for connection. Together we can put love into action and create opportunities to transform our community.